Preliminary Risk Screen PRS

A Preliminary risk screen assessment (PRSA) is a low cost statutory planning tool to help determine if a detailed environmental audit is required in relation to a proposed sensitive use.  A PRSA considers the potential presence of contaminated land.  In some circumstances it may be clear that a site is contaminated and in these scenarios it may be appropriate to go straight to an environmental audit.  In either case, we will help you resolve the issue in the most cost effective manner possible.

Preliminary Risk Screen (PRS) Assessment

The introduction of the Environment Protection Amendment Act 2017 has bought about numerous changes in the way that contaminated land is assessed and managed in Victoria.
Under the Environment Protection Act 2017, environmental audits are no longer a one-size-fits-all assessment process that sometimes involves unnecessarily detailed investigation and excessive costs.
The new legislation allows desktop and scaled assessments and is a far more flexible and cost effective process:
  1. Preliminary risk screen (PRS) assessment: This is a rapid, low cost assessment based on a desktop study and site inspection, which may include sampling. The focus of a PRS is to determine if a detailed audit is necessary.
  2. Scaled audit: to assess and manage the risks of harm to human health and the environment from contamination or industrial activities. Scaled audits are more cost effective than the previous audits as the PRS helps environmental auditors focus the audit on material risks. A scaled audit may result in remedial action being taken to manage risks to human health and the environment posed by a site or industrial activity.

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Preliminary Risk Screens are required by local government planning authorities for sites which are affected by an environmental audit overlay, or EAO (but which may not have had had an industrial heritage) and for other permit applications involving a sensitive use (where the potential for contamination is uncertain and/or no EAO is in place).

EPA’s aim is to ensure sites which do not have significant contamination risks can be assessed more efficiently. Preliminary risk screens require a nominal baseline of site environmental and historical information in order to frame the risk of contamination and to inform the site auditing process. In almost all cases, a degree of site sampling is likely to also be required.

Having extensive, decades-deep experience in contaminated land, is well positioned to assist developers, land owners and environmental auditors meet the information requirements for the PRS process by providing high quality and comprehensive preliminary site reviews and tailored site investigation programs to provide confident assurance, without unnecessarily detailed site investigation programs.

Have you been asked to provide a Preliminary Risk Screen assessment? Contact our office now to speak with one of professional consultants:
60 William St, Abbotsford, Vic 3067
Phone: 03 9429 4303

Over 30 Years Experience in Screening and Assessing Contaminated and Potentially-Contaminated Land

Has an Environmental Audit Overlay (EAO) been applied to your land even though the use is residential? We can help you prove it and control the costs of your environmental audit, without an unnecessarily detailed site investigation program, so that you get the best possible outcome for your development.

  • Leverage our vast experience
  • Over 2,000 projects managed in Victoria
  • FACT: Our clients often save tens of thousands in remediation costs due to our expert advice and vast experience.